Frequently asked questions about Summer Camp

What are the Winter Retreat dates?

Friday, Jan. 4 – Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019

What are the ages permitted to attend Winter Retreat?

Due to the nature of the retreat, ages 15 to 18 are permitted.

How can I register my student for Acts-Twenty9 Winter Retreat?

Visit clministry.com/winter and click on the ‘registration’ tab.

A step-by-step overview of the online registration process is located on the registration page to assist you in making a payment and downloading the ‘Consent and Release Waiver’.

How much does Acts-Twenty9 Winter Retreat cost and what does that amount include?

There is a total cost of $75 per registrant. A $25.00 deposit is due by Dec. 12, 2018 (this deposit will count toward the total registration cost upon final payment).

Cost includes: 5 meals, lodging for 2 nights, transportation to and from the campgrounds, and activities.

Concessions not included.

When does my child need to be fully registered?

The registration deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019 (2 days prior to Winter Retreat).

To be fully registered, one must have turned in a completed Consent and Release Waiver, and paid the full registration amount of $75.00 for each child by the date listed.

A $25.00 deposit is due Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018 and is included in the total registration cost.

Where is Acts-Twenty9 Winter Retreat?

Privately owned cabins in Pioneer, California.

Address: 23646 CA-88, Pioneer, CA 95666

What do I need to pack?

You’ll need to bring the following:

Casual clothing for 2 nights and 3 days, under garments, sleepwear, recreational clothing, socks, and shoes, jacket and/or sweaters

Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, razor
Towels, washcloths, pillow, your own bedding (sleeping bag or sheets and blankets) Alarm clock, flashlight, batteries (optional items)
Bug repellent
Bible and notebook

Extra Money: There are concessions. We recommend that you don’t bring a lot of money, only what you think you will spend. Typically, $15 is plenty, as all meals are provided throughout our stay.

What is not allowed to be brought to camp?

Please don’t bring these things to Acts-Twenty9 Winter Retreat, as they are not in the spirit of the retreat, and will be confiscated. Please note- students with these items may be at risk of being sent home early with no reimbursement:

Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, weapons

Electronic devices: i.e. cell phones, cameras, smart watches, iPods, handheld games, etc.

Jewelry, make up, items used to prank other campers

How can I contact my student during Acts-Twenty9 Winter Retreat?

You can reach us via email at actstwenty9@gmail.com if you need to speak with the camp staff or your child while we’re away at camp.

To download the Winter Retreat FAQ sheet as a PDF, click here.

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